A Call to Speak Life
A Call To Speak Life
Why has beauty become this commercialized THING?
This is a call to all women (young & old) to join me in a move to encouraging our sisters. I get it. Being bold and telling someone you don't know that they're pretty is intimidating. As women we thrive off of acceptance and love. Especially if it's made public. Why not be a little sweeter to one another? Why not compliment the girl sitting beside you in class on her nail color? Being nice isn't hard, it's our fear of being inferior to one another that ruins us.
Come on. We've all compared ourselves to every other female. Finding someone "prettier" than ourselves pushing aside any confidence we had, or even searching for someone that seems a little less than perfect to boost our ego. STOP. I'm done with comparisons. I'm sick or hearing my friends complain about how ugly they are. God doesn't make ugly things. *z snap*
So, friend, what's in your heart?
"A good man produces good deeds from a good heart. And an evil man produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness. Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech." Luke 6:45
Speak life into your friends, cousins, mothers, sisters. Fill your world with positivity and bright smiles, even when you just aren't feeling it. You'd be surprised at how many days you'll make better for people who are very rarely told just how precious they are.
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue..."
Proverbs 18:21
Proverbs 18:21
I long for a world where our self perception comes from our constantly being in an atmosphere enveloped in love and acceptance, for a place where beauty is seen in a silly laugh or selfless acts of genuine kindness. I would much rather be seen for my heart rather than my lack of rear end, or the fact that my eyes are brown and not blue. I am beautiful because my God is beautiful. Look at his creation and see that awe inspiring beauty reflected into yourself. I refuse to let myself yearn for acceptance from another human being. I'm not starved for attention because I have all I need from a man I cast all of my cares upon. I am loved, accepted, and longed for by a God far greater than any man.
Thank God that he sees me flawless, clean, beautiful, and worth while, because I am far from deserving.
"You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7 It's so encouraging to me that the Father, the KING OF KINGS (just let that sink in), sees me lovely. How could he look at me, through all my filth and past, and see someone he wants to romance and cherish. Though I can hardly fathom a love so never ending I hold on to the truth that he died for ME.
I pray we can restore what true beauty is; accepting our flaws as quirks to who God has made us to be, loving our bodies, and encouraging one another in our walk to self-acceptance.
YOU are truly beautiful. I'm not saying this to be cliche, but to tell you the truth. Ephesians 2:10 says "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Artist don't call just anything a "masterpiece". You have been made specifically the way you are for a reason. ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE FLAWED. It's okay not to have it all together, because you have a Heavenly Father that does. I have met so many women that have impacted me just by seeming to actually care how I am. Challenge yourself to be someone you'd want to meet. Beauty comes with being genuine and humble. Define yourself with only positive words and walk in that.
You have purpose, a destiny, you are loved, and wanted! Find who you are in the one who created who you are. You're worth more than this world has to offer, and YOU are beautiful.
Speak life.
Your Friend,
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